Thursday, December 18, 2014

Training is coaching is teaching

When working with athletes it's easy to get caught up in the idea of making train hard all the time or keeping them moving at all times during a training session.  This is the furthest thing from training or coaching or teaching.  When you're training an athlete you're also coaching and teaching them how to get in better shape to be a better athlete.

This doesn't mean that athletes don't have to train hard or exert a lot of energy, of course not.  Simply put, they are looking to be guided not driven into the ground or put into a state of exhaustion all the time.  No they instead need to be coached and taught what's best for them so they can understand the purpose and intent.

The best athletes are the ones that have a full understanding of their sport and what it takes to perform at their best for that sport.  They in turn deserve the best knowledge in terms of performance training to get them there.

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